Minecraft Viki


Congratulations! You are now the first administrator of the Turkish Minecraft Wiki. Now you can protect, delete and restore pages, block malicious users, edit the MediaWiki system messages and some other things. As you have let us know that you’re quite new with wiki editing, I, as an experienced member of Russian Minecraft Wiki and already an administrator on the Russian Gamepedia Help Wiki, may help you with this new role.

Special thanks to Majr for the appointment!

— NickTheRed37 (mesaj | RU) 10:31, 20 Temmuz 2017 (UTC)

Interwiki adding request

Hello. Can you add the trwiki: interwiki prefix for linking to Turkish Wikipedia? As you are not familiar with managing interwikis, I’ll tell you how to do it, as an administrator of the Russian Gamepedia Help Wiki who is familiar with doing this.

  1. Go to the Special:Interwiki/add page.
  2. Write trwiki: into the first text field, where the prefix name is set.
  3. Set the URL to https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/$1.
  4. Click the “Add” button. You can also specify a reason in a text field below the URL.

This action will allow to create links like this: trwiki:Anasayfa without any need to use two prefixes like in wikipedia:tr:Anasayfa, which gives an indirect link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/tr:Anasayfa instead of https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anasayfa. Thanks in advance! — NickTheRed37 (mesaj | RU) 14:57, 22 Temmuz 2017 (UTC)
